Food for the spirit and for your stomach!
| | Posted On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 2:32 PM
Hey everyone, we're in for a real treat tomorrow night. We've got a great night of fellowship and study in the works and to compliment that, Doc's got us some fantastic Mediterranean style food to satisfy our physical hunger. Then, John's going to satisfy that spiritual hunger with some fellowship with our almighty Father!
Come early, come on time, come late, but come hungry!
Big thanks to Doc for preparing this week.
Also, remember, Happy Birfday to Leo (last week) and Happy Birfday to David (tomorrow). Hit him up on facebook, email or give him a ring!
Come early, come on time, come late, but come hungry!
Big thanks to Doc for preparing this week.
Also, remember, Happy Birfday to Leo (last week) and Happy Birfday to David (tomorrow). Hit him up on facebook, email or give him a ring!
Hey everyone, you CAN come late, but just a heads up, it's gonna be first come, first choose. If you might like one kind of meat over another, come on time!
I'll be there for sure. Gonna make sure to get the good meats.