Correct that

| | Posted On Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 7:28 PM

Need to go ahead and make a correction to an interpretation we had from last week.

In 1 Peter 4:6, "For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God."

we interpreted those who are dead as being spiritually dead and then made alive in the spirit through the work of the gospel. Meaning the subject of the passage were those who were persecuting Christians in verse 3-5.

Turns out, dead means physically dead and that those that are dead are Christians. The tenses give it away, as well as the context of the passage.

The gospel has still been preached for the purposes of allowing man to live in the spirit according to the will of God, but we're talking about suffering Christians, and the judgment in the flesh as men means the judgment Christians are receiving as part of verses 3-5. But that judgment doesn't matter because we have something better than that. That even if we are put to death in the flesh, we are alive in the spirit.

So, 4:6, dead means physically dead, the Christians who are physically dead. The gospel was preached to them, who are now dead.



| Labels: | Posted On Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 11:21 AM

I've thought sleep as a mere bodily requirement versus a pleasure. Only take as much as one requires. I stumbled on this today:

Proverbs 20:13 "do not love sleep, or you will become poor".

What great treasures of of Wisdom in the Word!!!!

Mark 13: Things to come

| | Posted On Friday, March 11, 2011 at 7:14 PM

In light of the 8.9 earthquake and tsunami which hit Japan, I am pointed back to that place "somewhere in the bible" that talks about earthquakes and the end-times.

Read carefully, our context is in light of false returns (of Jesus) and end-times.  Jesus assures us this fact: These things are going to as believes, we are not to be surprise, rather, be called to action.

Jesus has something to say (it's red-letters!).  I desire myself and for you to consult the scriptures (v9-10):

   -We are to 'be on guard', and that these natural events will continue until the
   -gospel is preached to all nations. 

 Check out the Word, you'll need to know it in order to respond in times as these.  Join us at the emergency prayer mtg held tonight at 10pm (dialin).  Visit the website for the call-in info:

If proclaim = to state | to announce | to praise | to glorify | to honor...

| | Posted On Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 10:51 AM

then I have been doing quite a bit of proclaiming.

   I proclaimed (stated) i was hungry, so we ate some food
   I proclaimed (announced) a recommendation for an exit strategy to all after letting loose some gas...
   I proclaimed (praised) our shiny new car, because it has 5 liters of rip-roading engine displacement
   I proclaimed (glorified) my employer and boss because of the flexibility given to me
   I proclaimed (honored) the passing of the late Paul Cho, Gracie's beloved gramps.

We proclaim every day! It is a part of who we are, how we communicate, an expression of what we love.  It is not something which takes a special effort.

1 Pete 2: 9 reads: "...but you are
               A HOLY NATION
                     A PEOPLE FOR GOD's OWN POSSESSION,
     so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light"

Where have I proclaimed His excellencies?
Where have I stated that he chose me, out all the people on this earth, HE CHOSE ME
Where have I announced that i am no longer in darkness, but rescued to the light?
Where have I praised that I am now a part of a family that loves, and has a rich and merciful inheritance?
When have I glorified my new race, being in the lineage of God?
Who have I honored about God's great demonstration of love for me, by sending his Son Jesus to death, so that I may live?

What about you?