
| | Posted On Friday, January 14, 2011 at 11:28 AM

"I think he would conclude faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God." -AW Tozer, Ch 7 in Pursuit of God.

It dawned on me that we focused our discussion on the latter of that statement, but not the former.  It dawned that it's quite true that you as an individually have not yet reached that conclusion.  You may be regurgitating, you may be chanting in your minds this phrase, you may have set the audio to repeat.

But in your hearts of hearts have not yet arrived to that conclusion.....and thus, the reality of the statement cannot be grasped.

Good thing God gives freely.

Not holding back...

| | Posted On Monday, January 3, 2011 at 5:57 PM

This marks a new year, 2011.  Too many days have gone by with my relationship with Jesus on the backburner.  It's like going to Him as a last resort-plan when no one eles wants to hang out on a friday night.   Terrible.

This year is different, and will be different for us all.  It starts with Prayer.  On Sunday, Pastor Josh preached on not holding back.  Last year was timid, this year will not be.  In 1 Corinthians 10 we learned all things are permissible, but not all things are profitable. This means there are many decision we make which are "eh... ok".  But many of those very decision are not profitable for the Spiritual life.

My desire for myself, and my desire for this fellowship is that we hold nothing back this year.  Especially our own comfort.