
| | Posted On Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 8:29 PM

We learned this week that we can find assurance in God's truth, even then our heart condemns us for what we do. In application, it's loving your brother or sister, even when we don't want to, for instance, when they hurt us. Our natural inclination is to strike back, to get even. God's truth for us is to love, not get even. Getting even in a worldly concept. So, even if your heart says no, knowing you are doing what is right in God's eyes will eventually provide us the assurance we are on the right path.

For those that are curious: heart

Before and after

| | Posted On Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 8:23 AM

If Jesus walked out of your life right now, would the life you live be any different next week?

What are you ashamed of?

| | Posted On Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 1:19 PM

There are times in our lives when we do things we're ashamed of. And it depends on the audience that witnesses or is being told of the event. For example, cheating on a test is an activity that can either be something you're proud of or ashamed of, depending on who you're talking to.

John wrote us about being ashamed before Jesus when he comes again. He's an audience I don't think we spend a lot of time or energy thinking about when we make decisions in our daily lives. John reminds us that this is something that should be central in our thinking, because the Lord can arrive at any time. And at any given time, we should endeavor to be firm in our faith that our lives are transparent; one that is lived in the light.

To that end, we all confessed something we'd be ashamed of in our lives if Jesus were to arrive today. So, if that exists, what are we going to do about it? When we get together over the next few weeks, let's try to get some growing happening in our lives.

"Follow Me"

| | Posted On Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 11:45 AM

A personal look will be shared this wednesday on the LSCC Retreat 2010.  'The Art of Following' was the theme, and we received a clearer definition of what Jesus meant when he says "follow me".

To get straight to it:
   1) If you are not looking at Jesus, you are not following Him (Hebrews 12)
   2) If you are not listening to Jesus, you are not following Him (John 10)
   3) If you are not moving, you are not following Him (All over the place)

A handful of folks were faced with reality this weekend in which their 'idea' of following was exposed.  Now with clarity in mind, Jesus is conversing once again to us saying "follow me".