Needy, Poor, orphans, widows, homeless, and you.

| | Posted On Monday, November 16, 2009 at 9:25 AM

Gracie and I debriefed and discussed the lesson of Sunday's message.  Here were our own conclusions and take-aways:

We need to change.  Something has to change.  In light of the truths regarding the poor, the windows, the orphans, the outcasts, life cannot be the same tomorrow as it was today

It feels as though Gracie and I can't make any impact, so it is hard to find a starting point.  This is but merely an excuse, we can make an impact to 1 person, in 1 place, 1 at a time..  But we wrestled with the concept of making an 'impact'.  Would giving food or money really make an impact?  Would the money given be misused?  How does giving 1 day make an 'impact'?  Should we invite them into our home to stay in the extra rooms? Should stop, give, and get to know? 

Faith is grown step-by-step.  Sheppard David fought many battles and grew his faith in trusting in God's protection.  When it came time to fight Goliath, it was just the next step in his faith, climbing to from floor#45 to floor 46.  It was not ground-floor to the roof in 1 hop.  Our 2nd floor in faith at this time is not yet  to invite the homeless into my home, or not yet to go out and build relationship, but it's to provide money. Yes Money. (aka chien)

Why am I born in the family i was born, why do I have the education i have, why do I have the job that have?   I've made some good decision, in line with His will, i've made some alright decisions that didn't make or break, but I have also made some piss-poor decision in disobedience and plain stupidity and selfishness.  Ultimately, God gave grace to allow me to be where i currently am in life.  Bottom line, God has given regardless of circumstance. 

1) This means, I too can give irrespective to circumstance, and especially to those in a needy circumstance.  To give and to not expect.

But it did not end there, We were forced to look at our own relationships with God.  This was tricky, and eye-opening.  Yesterday finally addressed the thoughts of "should i give money? But what if they misuse it to go buy booz or smokes? what if they're pretending?"  My defenses were thwarted of giving food only... You see, God has given me money, and i have squandered and misued much.  But regardless of my misuse, he has continued to give, offering me a 2nd chance to use wisely.  And perhaps I use 10% wisely, and squander the 90%.  Then God, in his faithfulness and love, gives again, offering me a 3rd chance to use wisely.  And then a 4th chance, and then a 5th, and a 6th.   I have misused my money equivalently  to booz and smokes.  I too am guilty of pretending to be something I am not.  What then would it look if God stopped giving because I was squandering or because I was fake?  He has not stopped.  His faithfulness continues to give me another chance.  It was clear to me, it was clear to us

2) to give money can mean giving another opportunity for that individual to make a decision, a 'right' decision, a decision towards obediences, a decision toward God.

We all make that decision daily.  From the starbucks for $3.57, or from the $0.37 in spare change, we all make a decision.  Perhaps we are the ones squandering in comparison?  Ultimately, we plan to stay aligned to be faithful to our decision of this 1-step, and leave the 'impact' to God. 
Our change in the form of an action?  Well, that's a personal conversation so if you're interested, ask me next time!



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