Philemon and GramCracker building

| | Posted On Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 1:54 PM

A couple weeks ago we talked about 'forgiveness', and what that is to look like.  To jog your memory, here's a recap from Leo: "Paul is asking one of his homies to forgive this dude...".

Application1: How do you manifest love for your bro's and sis's in your everyday life?
Application2: How do you forgive a brother or sister who has wronged you? Are you merciful?
Application3: How do you think managers and sub-ordinates should interact if both are Christians?

As you ponder, respond in the comments now! And enjoy pix from last time:

LSF Santa Jose Group Picture

David, Yukari, and Tam with CSI

Ansel, Anne, and Ben with Porta Potty Murder death kill?

Leo, Jeff, and James with Mario Kart

Gracie, Bonnie, Vincent, and Jess with Dubai

Justin, Paul, and Marina with Eye of Sauron

The pile of gingerbread peoples...

Crash site on the track


Pimpin car parked at Dubai

The crime scene and get-away


| | Posted On Monday, December 7, 2009 at 1:18 PM

I = IN

.... where is everyone?

Best bring your best this wednesday for the Ginger bread making contest.  It's a build-off.  We have huddles at 7:30, contact your quarter-back for dinner and plans.  Else default to Panda express at lawrence/stevens creek.  Then be at Jeff's at 9pm.  See ya!

Harvest of Hope...

| | Posted On Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 7:43 PM

LSF Santa Clara wants to give.  Partnering with Harvest of Hope will turn the 'want' into a reality!  Although our role in this part is by prayer and money, it will still make an impact.  God has a good memory so all giving, big and small, counts.

Next Wednesday (09-Dec) consider how much you want to contribute.  It is not about the amount, it is about the heart.  We will purchase together as a fellowship group and thus, our moneys will be pooled together and we will decide what to purchase on wednesday.

Sewing Machine (sustainable : $250
Motorbike (for a church-planter): $1400
Cow for family: $400
Goat for poor family: $55
Pig for family: $45
Sheep for poor family: $80
One of each animal: $580
Seeds for Farmers in Africa: $30
Relief Assistance for Refugee Family in Sudan: $70

$50 may be the next toy for us, but it's equivalent to years of wages for these families.

Here's the link for more information:

Fillet mon

| | Posted On Friday, December 4, 2009 at 12:54 PM

Listen... forgiveness is going to be a part of your life.  In fact, thats the primary vehicle to Jesus' business: Reconcilation.  In sin, the slave (Onesimus), ran away from his master (Philemon), met man who already met Jesus (Paul), was introduced to the man who could forgive his sins (Jesus), and probably thought 'life is good'.  But walking in a right relationship with God is more than warm fuzzys or smiley days, it's about reconciliation.  Jesus reconciles our relationship to God, and thus, we must ask for forgiveness from those we wronged and reconcile our relationships here on earth.

Have you had a reconciliation experience which you can share? 

Prayer time from last meet

Happy Thanksgiving!

| | Posted On Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 3:43 PM

Dear all, what else but a reminder from the divingly inspired Word of God: "(20)For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. (21) For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened." -Romans 1:20-21

This is one of the first things that come to mind when I think of giving 'thanks'.  When we continue with life living a life which is not clearly, visibally, coherantly, physically, audibally thankful to God... a flag must be raised and a change must occur, lest your heart become foolish and darkened. 

There's plenty to be thankful for... and it's not just 'thankful', but it's thanking God.  Remember, actions validate the thanksgiving... so, LSF Santa Clara, whats your action?

---------------------------Pix from Gombei Bento!---------------------------

Quick bite Tuesday 11/24 (6pm)

| | Posted On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 12:16 AM

Gombei Bento: 6pm, Tuesday night (11/24)
Be there.... we all hate eating alone...

Map to Gombei Bento

Festivities for WED 11/18: Don't go to Jeff & Anne's, rather.....

| | Posted On Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 4:06 PM

This week (Wed 11/18) is Joint Huddles! You can anticipate a good time of eats, sharing, praying, and most importantly, learning from each other about God in our lives.  This moves beyond the bible studies, beyond the chit-chat, and moves into a good time of sincere conversation.  It's like those nights where you leave refreshed...

  • meet at Justin's place @ Chesapeake Manor (34756 Chesapeake Court, Union City, CA)
  • start time 7:30pm
  • there will be dinner (pizza and soda provided), reviewing survey results, and having some teaching/sharing from "Being A Godly Man"
  • you are welcome to bring "manly" snacks, beverages, or desserts to share with everyone
  • questions? email Sam (
  • meet at Niki's place @ Stone Manor (1097 Stone Street, Union City, CA)
  • start time 7:00pm
  • there will be dinner (hawaiian) and a good time of sharing and prayer
  • RSVP to Yukari ( 
  • CARPOOL!!!!  Call your fellow fellowship friends.. carpool, have a conversation, don't be shy!

Needy, Poor, orphans, widows, homeless, and you.

| | Posted On Monday, November 16, 2009 at 9:25 AM

Gracie and I debriefed and discussed the lesson of Sunday's message.  Here were our own conclusions and take-aways:

We need to change.  Something has to change.  In light of the truths regarding the poor, the windows, the orphans, the outcasts, life cannot be the same tomorrow as it was today

It feels as though Gracie and I can't make any impact, so it is hard to find a starting point.  This is but merely an excuse, we can make an impact to 1 person, in 1 place, 1 at a time..  But we wrestled with the concept of making an 'impact'.  Would giving food or money really make an impact?  Would the money given be misused?  How does giving 1 day make an 'impact'?  Should we invite them into our home to stay in the extra rooms? Should stop, give, and get to know? 

Faith is grown step-by-step.  Sheppard David fought many battles and grew his faith in trusting in God's protection.  When it came time to fight Goliath, it was just the next step in his faith, climbing to from floor#45 to floor 46.  It was not ground-floor to the roof in 1 hop.  Our 2nd floor in faith at this time is not yet  to invite the homeless into my home, or not yet to go out and build relationship, but it's to provide money. Yes Money. (aka chien)

Why am I born in the family i was born, why do I have the education i have, why do I have the job that have?   I've made some good decision, in line with His will, i've made some alright decisions that didn't make or break, but I have also made some piss-poor decision in disobedience and plain stupidity and selfishness.  Ultimately, God gave grace to allow me to be where i currently am in life.  Bottom line, God has given regardless of circumstance. 

1) This means, I too can give irrespective to circumstance, and especially to those in a needy circumstance.  To give and to not expect.

But it did not end there, We were forced to look at our own relationships with God.  This was tricky, and eye-opening.  Yesterday finally addressed the thoughts of "should i give money? But what if they misuse it to go buy booz or smokes? what if they're pretending?"  My defenses were thwarted of giving food only... You see, God has given me money, and i have squandered and misued much.  But regardless of my misuse, he has continued to give, offering me a 2nd chance to use wisely.  And perhaps I use 10% wisely, and squander the 90%.  Then God, in his faithfulness and love, gives again, offering me a 3rd chance to use wisely.  And then a 4th chance, and then a 5th, and a 6th.   I have misused my money equivalently  to booz and smokes.  I too am guilty of pretending to be something I am not.  What then would it look if God stopped giving because I was squandering or because I was fake?  He has not stopped.  His faithfulness continues to give me another chance.  It was clear to me, it was clear to us

2) to give money can mean giving another opportunity for that individual to make a decision, a 'right' decision, a decision towards obediences, a decision toward God.

We all make that decision daily.  From the starbucks for $3.57, or from the $0.37 in spare change, we all make a decision.  Perhaps we are the ones squandering in comparison?  Ultimately, we plan to stay aligned to be faithful to our decision of this 1-step, and leave the 'impact' to God. 
Our change in the form of an action?  Well, that's a personal conversation so if you're interested, ask me next time!


Santa Clara Launch!

| | Posted On Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 8:05 AM

Doh! We didn't take any picture, but we'll get some at the second meeting. Huge thank you to everyone who is supporting this effort through prayer, through hard work, through attendance and through encouragement. Any other kinds of support get a big, not huge, thank you. Just kidding.

It was very encouraging to see how engaged we all were when talking about sharing the Gospel message and sharing from our lives about our struggles and our praises. My prayer for our fellowship will be to keep this excitement and have it grow through our community. God is with us, so let's offer him praise and prayers of thanksgiving and ask Him to grow us individually as His people and through the community.

Thanks again to everyone who attended or tried to attend but couldn't. Next week is joint huddles, so look for an email communication from Justin. Week after will be catered again. Opening up the floor for suggestions for our next fellowship meal.

We worship an awesome God.

Circumstance. How is your job? or job search?

| | Posted On Friday, November 6, 2009 at 9:40 AM

Paul and Silas were arrested and beaten while under the false assumption they were Jews. Cast into prison they held back and bit their tongue only to wait for justice above the circumstance and instead be faithful with where they are. By focusing on being faithful to their calling for the immediate people around them (...guards) and NOTcry 'injustice' at the people, nor at God.  They waiting for God to deliver them from their circumstance while they chose to share about Jesus to the guards. 
focusing on circumstance, people came to repentance and believed. Remember, Paul and Silas were ARRESTED as 'foreigners' in the boundaries of Rome.  But Paul was a Roman Citizen... and that was a 'no-no'. They didn't

Work life isn't fair? Do you feel those around you aren't playing 'fair'?  Are you focusing only on circumstance? Don't.  Be encouraged and empowered; focus on being faithful where you are at in sharing about Jesus, let God change the circumstance.... and He will in his time.

(story found in Act 16, the second half)

| | Posted On Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 11:29 AM

What are your thoughts on the flim?  Initially exciting because the group orchestrated a live-cast-launch into the film release.  Then i thought the film ended 7 times... ;)

Lets not let this go to 'waste', what was your take-away?

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Film

Wow.... Tam has bigger eyes than me!

Edible Unibrow


David tried to take a bite out of baby Karter.  Hi Jeff & James!

Alan, eating as fast as he can with Supervisor David

Jerm sneaking away to Bathroom

Escalator 1, up to AMC 16!

Escalator 2, up to AMC 16!

EThen the Nigt-cap at BJ's Brewery


LSF Santa Clara <3 Revolution: This Wednesday 11/4

| | Posted On Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 3:05 PM

What can one do in the face of a global slavery?
At least come to learn more this wednesday, and this wednesday only.

Hillsong Presents a compilation of their 3 year-journey and experiences in the face of trafficking.  The is in movie theaters this wednesday evening. (We're likely hitting AMC Cupertino)

Come meet the other faces of LSF Santa Clara, we're all new, some come.  Call me (Justin): 901-4-MMMHMM!

Coming Soon

| | Posted On Friday, October 23, 2009 at 4:00 PM

November 4th. Mark your calendars. Santa Clara officially meets for the first time. Be there!

Pray Pray Pray!

| | Posted On Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 3:59 PM

The Good Lord has place it upon the hearts of LSCC to expand the horizon into a new Fellowship group.  Enter, LSF Santa Clara.  Is this for certain? Are we committed?

Answer: Pray. 

We desire this to be all God or nothing at all. Pray his Spirit leads this time of planning and decision making and will bring those whom he will bring.