Philemon and GramCracker building

| | Posted On Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 1:54 PM

A couple weeks ago we talked about 'forgiveness', and what that is to look like.  To jog your memory, here's a recap from Leo: "Paul is asking one of his homies to forgive this dude...".

Application1: How do you manifest love for your bro's and sis's in your everyday life?
Application2: How do you forgive a brother or sister who has wronged you? Are you merciful?
Application3: How do you think managers and sub-ordinates should interact if both are Christians?

As you ponder, respond in the comments now! And enjoy pix from last time:

LSF Santa Jose Group Picture

David, Yukari, and Tam with CSI

Ansel, Anne, and Ben with Porta Potty Murder death kill?

Leo, Jeff, and James with Mario Kart

Gracie, Bonnie, Vincent, and Jess with Dubai

Justin, Paul, and Marina with Eye of Sauron

The pile of gingerbread peoples...

Crash site on the track


Pimpin car parked at Dubai

The crime scene and get-away


| | Posted On Monday, December 7, 2009 at 1:18 PM

I = IN

.... where is everyone?

Best bring your best this wednesday for the Ginger bread making contest.  It's a build-off.  We have huddles at 7:30, contact your quarter-back for dinner and plans.  Else default to Panda express at lawrence/stevens creek.  Then be at Jeff's at 9pm.  See ya!

Harvest of Hope...

| | Posted On Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 7:43 PM

LSF Santa Clara wants to give.  Partnering with Harvest of Hope will turn the 'want' into a reality!  Although our role in this part is by prayer and money, it will still make an impact.  God has a good memory so all giving, big and small, counts.

Next Wednesday (09-Dec) consider how much you want to contribute.  It is not about the amount, it is about the heart.  We will purchase together as a fellowship group and thus, our moneys will be pooled together and we will decide what to purchase on wednesday.

Sewing Machine (sustainable : $250
Motorbike (for a church-planter): $1400
Cow for family: $400
Goat for poor family: $55
Pig for family: $45
Sheep for poor family: $80
One of each animal: $580
Seeds for Farmers in Africa: $30
Relief Assistance for Refugee Family in Sudan: $70

$50 may be the next toy for us, but it's equivalent to years of wages for these families.

Here's the link for more information:

Fillet mon

| | Posted On Friday, December 4, 2009 at 12:54 PM

Listen... forgiveness is going to be a part of your life.  In fact, thats the primary vehicle to Jesus' business: Reconcilation.  In sin, the slave (Onesimus), ran away from his master (Philemon), met man who already met Jesus (Paul), was introduced to the man who could forgive his sins (Jesus), and probably thought 'life is good'.  But walking in a right relationship with God is more than warm fuzzys or smiley days, it's about reconciliation.  Jesus reconciles our relationship to God, and thus, we must ask for forgiveness from those we wronged and reconcile our relationships here on earth.

Have you had a reconciliation experience which you can share? 

Prayer time from last meet